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About GLCC

GLCC is deeply shaped by our Mission and Values. By living these out, we believe that the hope of Jesus will come to the Gun Lake Region.

Our Mission

Restoring Hope to the Gun Lake Region.

Our Values

We believe that hope comes to our region when we live and believe these truths: 

Gun Lake Church Mountian Moving Faith Logo

Mountain Moving Faith: Our paradigm, how we see the world, is determined by the Bible. In the Scriptures, we see a supernatural mindset and Kingdom mentality that recognizes that God is and always has been living and active in the world, redeeming it to Himself. As people who serve the Lord, we do not look at  things from a worldly perspective, but trust in a God who loves us and intervenes  on our behalf…who wants to be experienced and encountered by His people… and who commissions us to join Him in redeeming a hurting, broken world.
From Religion to Encounter.

Transformational Discipleship

Transformational Discipleship: The simplest definition of discipleship is “becoming like Jesus in character and in competency.” Jesus’ invitation was not just to follow him, but to actually become like him. Discipleship is more than in formation but also involves imitating how He lives and loves. Through this ongoing process, we are transformed more and more into His likeness.

From Information to Imitation & Transformation.

Gun Lake Community Church Healing

Healing: Life Hurts, God Heals: Our world has been devastated … physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. We value God’s healing power to restore our lives and the lives of those around us…to put broken pieces back together bringing hope and wholeness to fragmented people and communities. 

From Fragmentation & Brokenness to Restoration & Wholeness.

Gun Lake Community Church Prayer Changes Things Value

Prayer Changes Things: Through prayer, we grow in intimacy with our Heavenly  Father and come to know who we are in Him. The more we experience His presence, the more we understand His great love for us and our identity as beloved  children. As we know His heart for a broken world, we grow in expectancy of His  power being released through prayer to transform people and circumstances  bringing hope and life to those around us.
From Ritual to Relationship.

Spirit Alive! We fully embrace all that the Scriptures say about the work and movement of the Holy Spirit. We cannot “restore hope” to the Gun Lake region without the leading, guidance, gifting, and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in  our lives. From Human Strength & Wisdom to God’s Power, Gifting, & Guidance.

Life Together: We believe that life is better together… serving, celebrating… worshiping, recreating … growing, discovering… healing, restoring… all of life. God created us to be a family on mission, and we pursue His purposes and enjoy His  presence…together. From Individualism & Isolation to Community & Fellowship. 

© 2025 Gun Lake Community Church

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